Welcome to our May 2022 and our very first AAC Inspiration blog post!
What we love...

Are you familiar with the the Communication Bill of Rights?
This is a powerful document with a strong message of advocacy for all users of AAC. We have found it especially helpful to share with those in our community who may not have had much experience with or exposure to AAC.
Print it off to share with your school, your daycare, your family... ! A nice idea may be to include a copy with your AAC device. We love this version adapted by Kate Ahern M.S.Ed. You can download the document below.
What we are reading...

This month we are reading "Demistifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to be an Ally" by Emily Ladua.
We are finding this book easy to read and really approachable. The author does a great job in tackling discrimination and ableism in constructive ways, whilst gently educating the reader on how to better understand, respect and appreciate those living with disability.
5 stars from WearableWords!
Who we are following...
If you are not already a fan, we would love to introduce you to Special Books for Special Kids (https://sbsk.org/) Chris Ulmer's mission, in his own words, is to
"... normalise the diversity of the human condition". He does this by creating hundreds of authentic and heartfelt interviews with individuals living with disability. We love that he has dedicated a whole section of his website on meeting somebody who communicates with technology.
A great introductory viewing might be this lovely interview with a young man named Hayden...
That's all for this month! Thanks for reading.